Andrés Gutiérrez

Mediabrands Digital Data and Technology Managing Director en Interpublic Group

10+ years understanding the sales/marketing and CRM technologies for profitable business results. General business approach beyond marketing/sales and customer service. Entrepreneurship and global mindset.

Vast experience designing and building B2C solutions across different technology ecosystems and data platforms.

Proven track record of delivering scalable results over pipelines +USD25M for S&P500 clients in LATAM and North America
Ability to deliver of innovative solutions that meets clients needs on acquisition, maximization and retention based on data analytics and while ensuring compliance and building towards the long-term holistic strategic solution with high efficiencies in P&L savings and business goals and OKRs attached, making data and technology investments move from CAPEX to OPEX and unlock business value for sustainable and profitable growth.

Understanding of holistic enterprise architecture, data governance components for data interoperability.

With a profound understanding of product development, I’ve build insights that have shaped products that resonate with consumers, ensuring market fit and sustainable growth. My analytical prowess, combined with a deep appreciation for data, ensures that business decisions are metrics-driven, strategic, and impactful.